Arctic Lowland exists between mountain peaks. It’s above the tree line and is frozen for most of the year. Few plants can survive in the Arctic Lowland. Despite the harsh circumstances, there is still a group of plants, animals and people who call it home.
The feeling of standing among mountains and still feel like you tower over the surroundings. It is a contrast-filled experience. Likewise, moorlands are not used to represent life and beauty. But that is exactly what these pieces show.
I love to paint. My experience with painting led to the development of the technique used in this piece.
The creation of a piece reminds more of painting than traditional photography. 10 images. Atleast. More like 30. That’s what it takes to make a single piece. I layer pieces from each image unto each other, ‘painting’ them in.
The flowers are frozen in ice. It gives depth, spontaneity and play. And it’s a good summertime diet; there is no space for ice cream in our tiny Copenhagen freezer.
To get the large droplets ‘on top’ of the image, I use a piece of museum glass with a little water on it. I play with focusing through the drop or directly on the drop.